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Thursday, November 15, 2007

heyheys!im backk people.i know i haven't been blogging in a long time.lols.
so yesterday i went for YOUNG LEADERS' DAY!!(:
i was an USHER!!we all had to wear blazer&&tie.hahahs.
then we also went to go sign on the bigbig poster!!
oh.i saw my minahs too.they called me during lunch
then i went to sit with them when they were eating
and we talked about a lot of them.i also saw faris!!(:
hahahahas.he is damn damn cute.(:
they are so willing to come to temasek!! yeah man!!!(:
then after that we went to see CHERYL FOX
giving autographs to the students.everyone wanted her
to sign on their wallets and bags and all.&&i go WOW!!(:
hahahaas.the PSLS also took a group photo with her and all.
it was damn fun.after the whole thing we went to the AIRPORT.
we went there for dinner.we went to the food court to eat and
then to SWENSENS to eat ice scream.but i had to go home already
so i went home with YANLING&&JILLIAN.(:
it was funneh la.we were like jillian you sure go out from this door
huh.not that door.then she was like dun believe me then go out from
this door la.wrong not my problem.hahahahas.

im like rotting at home.today the PSLS are also going to JILLIAN'S
house for dinner.hahas.but i can't make it because i have to go visiting.
hahahas.but they all going in formal clothes.lols.hahahas.
before i go i shall let you have a look at......

You Are Elmo

Sweet and innocent, you expect everyone to adore you. And they usually do!

You are usually feeling: Talkative. You've got tons of stories to tell. And when you aren't talking, you're laughing.

You are famous for: Being popular, though no one knows why. Middle aged women especially like you.

How you life your life: With an open heart. "Elmo loves you!"
The Sesame Street Personality Quiz

i was>announced @ 4:22 PM

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

heyhey guess what?
today HONEY<333 wasn't so happy so i was so nice
i bought her a chocolate DONUT!!! (:
and the date today is 12.09.07!!!
i just LOVE the number 12!!!!
ahhh. my index number is 12.
the bus that i take every morming is 12.
i live on the 12th floor.
the date today is 12.
my full name is 12 letters in it!
12 years ago, i was 2.
2 years ago i was 12!!!
hahaha(: i just love the number 12~~

hahaha. so today i went for t.comm meeting in the morning.
then after that had to go for physics.
then then teacher was like who to call today ahh?
whats today's date? 12 ahhh. 1+2 err 3 lah.
then i was like so scared that she will call me so
i thought that she won't call me again.
when suddenly she was like errr. now number 12 answer
this question!! lol. hahaha. i dunnno why but every lesson
also my number kena... ahhhh... dun tell me that she likes the number
12 toooo....*nightmares*
hahaha. then then nothing much la.
just that elise the dirty old nun was like entertaining me
throughout the day since the both of us were sleepy.
heyhey guess what i saw my horoscope on friendster and it said:

The Bottom Line
Your high energy will do more than make you productive -- it will make you popular.
In Detail
The fact that you will have a lot of high energy today will do more than fuel some high productivity -- it could make some inspiring changes within your group of friends. In all your activities, your enthusiasm will bubble up from deep inside you without any effort on your part and it's contagious. Without realizing it, you will become a sort of leader -- showing people an option they had never considered before. If they follow you down this path, welcome them warmly. haha(; i am so happy!!!(:

i think that i have said it close to a zillion times ready. lol.

Let me leave you guys with a sweet thing.
He gave Her 12 roses.
11 real 1 fake.
He told Her I will love you till the last rose dies.

That was damn sweet rite? i noe i noe.
and for all the damn damn slow people
He says this to Her cus the last rose is fake and therefore won't die!!
i guess since its the 12th today i am damn bloody hyper...
I simply love today. love it. 12.09.07. a day to remember.(:

i was>announced @ 6:45 PM

Friday, September 07, 2007

heyhey i haven benn blogging for a very lonng time(:
so lets see

Facilitate the Facilitator was great!! A P5 girl told me that i was cute!! (: yay!! i am cute!!
i love MICHELLE'S group cus the kids there are damn cute can.(:
i also love XUTUO'S group cus the girls are damn cute and damn friendly.(:

i am damn high nowadays. I am a cr0wn.aDDicT.princeSS who has 2 royale bodyguards.
i love bandung and MUNCHY'S donuts cus they make me HIGH!
i love oreo and chocolate latte donuts!
that rocks!!
woots! i feel so drunk. (: hehe.

until another time byebye(:

i was>announced @ 4:25 PM

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

i feel so dunno what can? i am like always crying over all the same things.
i dunno why but i seriously feel like that the 3rd person. i dunno why is it like ALWAYS me!
i find it so bloody unfair!
i dunno why but today its like my damn bloody bad day! i went late for class and then the clerk went to call my dad and tell my dad that i never go when i was only 15 mins late la. then my dad scolded me and then since i was so damn scared i screwed up my piano and then the teacher not really happy and then its like when i was about to leave then the damn clerk kept staring at me can then told me YOU BETTER NOT COME LATE ANYMORE AH!
WHAT THE HELL CAN! its not like i did it purposely or i always go late can. F LA!
WRONGtime.WRONGplace.VERYVERY BAD DAY!!!! then the best part is that we getting progress report tmr then i bet my results damn bad can. HAIS.

i guess that next time u dun have to worry cus i wont be talking much anymore then its like when i talk you feel damn annoyed rite! so i shuddup la! dun worry u dun need me anyway!! hais.

CURRENT MOOD: unloved.unwanted.unmissed.unfelt.untalking.unalive.ungood.unclever.unprotected.unneeded.un...un...un...everything la! hais.hais.

i was>announced @ 6:51 PM

Sunday, August 12, 2007

YO!! hais. guess what? i feel kinda wrong now a days.
i feel kinda weird when i do certain things!!
HONEY<333> so sorry for making you wait soo lonng
just to do dnt. and you didn't have to buy that for me you noe?
hais. i feel so like wasted again.
but i have decided to forget all about it
and continue being HYPER!!!(:
heyhey amandaKEE your bimbo cheerleader repoting
for duty!!:DDD
heyhey rasi DA rasi your stupid clown reporting
for duty!!!:DDD

i have got to learn to for get all the thing that are happening and live on with life!!
i seiously think that you are weird and you wanna kill me but i decided to live on with life!!!
HAH!! in your face la!!:DD i am a strong and nice PRINCESS(: hear me roar!! RAR....:DDD

i was>announced @ 2:22 AM

Friday, August 10, 2007

hais.its the longgg holidays and then for that i got LOADSSS of tamil homework and a dnt project!
do do do homework until gone siao!!!
then decided to go chat with people!
then i saw amanda and rasi online and was added into a conversation
and then while talking amanda was the BIMBO
andand RANJANNI was the STUPID CLOWN!!!(:
then HONEY<333> came online and i talked!
so we had to rush and do dnt.
then HONEY<333> got stressed and pissed off!!!):

then it seems that HONEY<333> wanted to buy me smth and i was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!(:
yay! tomorrow i got training comm meeting!
then gonna paint my house!!!!
my rooom is gonna be green!!!!!
yay!!!!! can't wait to see it!!!!(:

i was>announced @ 10:54 PM

Thursday, August 09, 2007


heyheys i havent been blogging for a long long time!!!
so here i go!! after my longgg longgg time emo~ing ranjanni
finally got damn hyper again!! GO RANJANNI~(:
hahaha(: guess what?
i did a GOOD DEED yesterday!!
i was going to my friends house yesterday for fun and
since it was kinda windy i brought ELMO(;
(and also kinda cus i got nothing better to do!)(:
then over there i saw my friend's cousin and
she was so small and so cute!
the moment she saw my ELMO she came over
to my and asked if i bought it at TOYS-R-US?
i said that i didn't noe cus it was my present(:
then she was like can i hug it cus it was kinda big
then i said okay(: she hugged it and then didn't wanna
let go and then i was like can i have ELMO back
and she said NO!!!
and then i was like why and she said i want it!!
then i was like uh oh!!!!
then since she was gonna cry i kinda gave it to her):
i cant believe that i was so nice(:
but in the end
i am ELMO~LESS):

anyways got to go.HONEY<333 SMS~ED(:. so i shall blog soon(:

i was>announced @ 11:07 AM